WELCOME to read a gospel.com
On this really simple site you can choose to do one - or more -
of four things
On this really simple site you can choose to do one - or more -
of four things
If you like reading on-screen you can read one of the four gospels on-line through this site.
Of course it is completely free and sent to you with no strings attached.You will just need to use the 'contact us' selection to send me a message. Don't forget...because people do forget(!)...to give me your postal address and to tell me what gospel you would like.
... that speaks about an idea I had. Using Zoom or Skype would you like to read and talk about the gospel you are reading with me? We could meet for an hour a week for 3 or 4 weeks and see how we get on.
Well two actually. One is about studying Mark's gospel and the other is about John's gospel. I do not have any official link with either of them but I know them to be good, trustworthy, normal, Christian sites that could prove to be a great help to you.
Click here to got to the one about the Gospel of Mark...
Of course, you may already know that a gospel is one of the four biographies of Jesus contained in the Bible and that the names of their writers are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Like any book they are written with a purpose. Whilst all four have a different style they all have the same aim and that is to show us who Jesus really was and is; that he is God come to earth, that his life and death had an eternal and universal purpose. They show that seeing as he is risen from the dead, he is alive today and we can know him personally.
You can understand more about Jesus, indeed you can get to know him, by reading one or two or three or all four of these little books.
Before you begin ask God, whatever your level of faith, to help you hear his voice speak to you as you read and to help you understand more and more about Jesus.
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